Who We Are
At Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast, we start with great people and great brands, in that order. We unite around a winning workplace culture that respects all people, promotes inclusion, and inspires achievement. From the leadership team to all 3,400 of our associates in our 29 locations, we strive every day to bring our mission, vision, and values to life in the Northeast.
Our Executive Team
Board of Directors
From Left to Right:
Ryosuke Mizouchi (Kirin Non-Executive Director), Steve Burrows (Chairman, Non-Executive Director), Betty Click (Non-Executive Director), Mark Francoeur (Coke Northeast President), Dan Markle (Vice-Chairman, Non-Executive Director), Tsuyoshi Saikachi (Kirin Executive Director), Tamaki Sano (Kirin Executive Director)
Our History
1977 - Laconia, New Hampshire – The Kirin Brewery Team purchases what is now Lakes Region Coca-Cola, calling its new venture KW, Inc. ...Kirin & Williams.
1978 - KW Inc. purchases Lowell Coca-Cola, which included a branch in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
1979 - KW Inc. purchases Lowell Coca-Cola, which included a branch in Fitchburg, Massachusetts
1982 - KW, Inc. acquires Salem Group (Salem, Plaistow, Manchester) with operations in Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts. Kirin buys out Roger Williams’ to become sole owner retaining the KW, Inc. name.
1984 - CCNNE and CCE-Needham jointly purchase all Canada Dry and Dr. Pepper business throughout New England.
1988 - KW, Inc. purchases Coca-Cola of Northern New England, Inc. forgoing the name KW, Inc. to become known as CCNNE. Overnight, the acquisition doubles total company volume.
1989 - Production center built in Londonderry, New Hampshire. The Londonderry Production Center or LPC, goes on to win (9) President’s Awards for Quality Excellence: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2011, 2013.
1994 - CCNNE acquires bottler Massena and Plattsburgh in New York from Marvin Herb. Proudly renaming the operation to Empire State Coca-Cola.
2000 - Acquires Cape Cod Coca-Cola, home to some of the regions most avid Coca-Cola consumers.
2001 - Bulk sales from Seacoast, Manchester and Salem are consolidated under one roof, Londonderry Sales & Service Center.
2006 - Purchases the New London, Connecticut operation from the Kitching Family.
2007 - Purchases the Moxie trademark from The Monarch Beverage Company through its wholly owned subsidiary, The Moxie Beverage Company (formerly Cornucopia Beverages).
2017 - Celebrates 40th anniversary and completes its largest expansion to date. CCNNE now serves customers throughout all of New England, much of New York State, and a portion of Pennsylvania.
2019 - CCNNE officially rebrands itself Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast to better reflect the New England and upstate New York markets it proudly serves.